

Thank you for your interest in adopting a horse!

Many of the horses in the MSSPA herd have suffered abuse or neglect at some point in their lives, yet they are not fundamentally different from horses in the general population; each animal is unique, has their own backstory, and may respond differently to routine care or handling. 

Some MSSPA animals have limited training, such as basic ground manners; others may be fit for riding or driving. We ask that you understand that you will be investing your time and experience in a horse who will need further training and guidance.

The first step in the adoption process is to complete the Preliminary Adoption Application. After reviewing your completed application, the MSSPA will contact you. You may be invited for an in-person Meet & Greet. The references you provide will be contacted. A site visit – where the horse will be housed – will be completed before an adoption can be finalized. We will work as quickly as possible to give you an answer to your adoption request and ask for your patience in the process. This process is thorough because we want each adoption to be a success!

Whether you are looking for a horse for companionship or recreation, your adoption gives an animal a forever home and helps another horse in need by freeing up a stall at River Road Farm. We look forward to helping you connect with our herd!


Horses Available for Adoption

Preliminary Adoption Application