The best days at MSSPA are always the days when a horse goes home. You can imagine how exciting it is for everyone when two horses go home on the same day. Read on to find out why Bronte, who came to MSSPA looking for a horse, went home with two instead!
Earlier this year, Bronte’s beloved horse Kat passed away, leaving her Mustang mare, Mila, without a companion. Bronte’s veterinarian Tom Judd, who is also one of the long-time veterinarians for the Society, suggested that she consider adopting a horse from MSSPA. While visiting the shelter for the first time to meet the horses available for adoption, two really stuck out. A tall Thoroughbred gelding named Caspian stuck his head over the stall door as soon as Bronte approached, quickly mashing his muzzle into her face in the charming greeting that he is now well known for. Daphne, a dark bay mare and Windy River’s dam, was much more neutral and even guarded at first. When they got up to the arena, though, Bronte felt a strong spiritual connection with Daphne, who reminded her of a previous trainer’s horse she had known and loved.
On the drive back home from the shelter, Bronte was discussing the horses with her mom, Susan, who half-jokingly said, “Why not take both?” Luckily for all concerned, Bronte took this suggestion seriously and the rest of the family agreed. Daphne and Caspian, now known as Ollie, soon arrived at their new home and started to settle in. Ollie, who had not been at the shelter very long, had some trouble transitioning after his second move in a relatively short time. Bronte’s experience as a long-time horse owner and trainer’s assistant allowed her to understand his anxiety and work with him to reduce his aggressive behaviors. Daphne, on the other hand, settled in easily and quickly established a bond with Mila.
Since they came home, Bronte has been doing lots of work with both Daphne and Ollie. With Ollie, who was stressed after the transition and very sensitive to being touched, their work so far has mainly focused on helping him become comfortable with being touched or brushed all over. With Daphne, Bronte has been doing a lot of liberty work, focusing on helping her relax while moving. Though she was initially reserved when they met at the shelter, Daphne quickly showed her sweet and affectionate side, and she is always the first to come over and greet her human family. For those of us at MSSPA who remember when Daphne first arrived at the shelter–physically and psychologically traumatized with no desire for any human contact–this is incredibly welcome news. Every adoption is a cause for celebration at MSSPA, and a double adoption is doubly exciting. Thank you to Bronte, Kris, Susan, and Tom for providing a loving home to two rescued horses!