Gift planning is for everyone. It can be a comfort to you and your family. As you make plans for your assets when you no longer need them, thank you for remembering the horses at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals. Regardless of the type of gift you may choose to make, your support of our shared mission is welcomed.
Your planned gift will create a legacy that reflects your compassion and concern for the welfare of equines. It will provide for the care of the rescued equines at our horse shelter, as well as facilitate assistance for other equines in jeopardy.
Gift planning is for everyone, regardless of the size of their estate. Helping the horses need not be complicated or expensive. Every gift is valuable and taking action now ensures yours will live on. Join the Help, Hope, Home Legacy Circle today.
Bequest Gifts by Will
Specific Bequest: Leave a particular amount, percentage, or property.
Residuary Bequest: Leave the remainder of your estate.
Contingent Bequest: Leave part or all of your estate if designated beneficiaries predecease you.
Sample Bequest Language
Gifts by Trust
Pet Trust: Planning for care of beloved pets.
Charitable Remainder Trust: Trust income that transfers to a charity upon your death and the death of any beneficiaries.
Charitable Lead Trust: Provides income to a charity for a fixed number of years.
Gifts by Life Insurance or Retirement Assets
Transfer an unneeded life insurance policy to a charity for a tax deduction.
IRA or 401k
For your planning purposes, the Society’s Federal Tax ID is 01-0212545.
We know there are really good reasons to maintain anonymity or privacy in your charitable giving. Whether it is a belief that public knowledge of the gift lessens its spiritual value, a reluctance to have family or friends comment on your philanthropy, or even unwelcome attention from others seeking support, the MSSPA understands. Knowing your intentions in advance provides the Society an opportunity to thank you and confirm we understand your wishes regarding the gift.
Let’s talk about gift planning for the horses. Please let us know how to contact you.