MSSPA Reopens after Temporary Quarantine

MSSPA is once again open to the public – visitors are welcome any day from 1pm to 4pm!


Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals Identifies Rescue Horse Infected with Streptococcus Equine

January 1, 2020 – The Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals (MSSPA), New England’s premier equine rescue and rehabilitation center confirms that a horse recently received into care at the shelter, following its standard 28-day quarantine, has a confirmed positive case of streptococcus equine, commonly known as “strangles.”

The highly contagious condition is generally not life-threatening to healthy horses.  Although it passes between horses, it is not classified as zoonotic or transmissible from horses to humans, except in very rare circumstances. As a result of the confirmed positive case and in an effort to contain further spread of the illness, the horse shelter is currently closed to visitors. 

Staff and carefully trained volunteers will continue to care for all the horses during the treatment of the one horse who has tested positive to date.  Treatment protocol of horses suffering from strangles includes isolation of horses showing clinical symptoms such as fever, nasal discharge or swollen lymph nodes.  In addition, the MSSPA has implemented enhanced biosecurity measures to prevent transmission of the bacteria from horses who are ill or may have been exposed to the bacteria from horses who have not.

The MSSPA receives no government funding and depends on support from the public to provide for the dozens of rescued horses served by the shelter. Serving Maine horses for nearly 150 years, the mission of the non-profit Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals is to provide refuge, rehabilitation, and placement of seized equines, support the placement of surrenders, and educate the public. FMI about the Society, please visit, Facebook or Instagram.